Tips to Keep Your Dog Healthy

Tips to Keep Your Dog Healthy

The key to a happy life is a healthy dog or something like that. Berks Pets Care has been taking care of pets for years and knows a few tips to keep your dog healthy. Our dogs love us for their whole life and the best way to keep them in ours is by helping them lead a...
Fire Safety for Pets

Fire Safety for Pets

Berks Pet Care knows during the summertime owners will have fire pits and fireworks. Because of these moments coming up, we wanted to give you tips to keep your furry friends safe with fire safety for pets. Who doesn’t love a cool summer night by the fire? Of...
Essential Dog Gear 101

Essential Dog Gear 101

We all want the best for our furry friends and will do everything for them. Dog owners everywhere want their best for them. Basically, it is our job to provide to give our dogs the best life. When it comes to providing that life, we may want the best items for them....
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